Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Stone of Sadness mystery - the chapter about the psychic

The second book in the Olivia Miller Mystery series, The Stone of Sadness, is now on sale at Amazon in ebook format for 99 cents until October 14.  The paperback version will be available in a few days.  The story follows Olivia as she investigates the forty year old murders of her distant cousins by speaking with people who lived in the town when the crimes were committed.  While she is trying to uncover any piece of information that might shed new light on the killings, Olivia is still dealing with feelings of loss, guilt, and sorrow over last year's murder of the aunt who raised her.
In one chapter of the book, Olivia visits a psychic who had been called in by police to gain some impressions of the double murder of 1973.  Two years ago, on the recommendation of an acquaintance, my friend and I visited a Massachusetts psychic thinking it would be an interesting and entertaining evening (I never really believed that psychic ability is possible).  We were floored by the things that this psychic told us - details about each of us and our family members (living and dead).  Near the end of the visit, the psychic asked if I wanted to know anything more.  I told her that I had a cousin who had died violently and wondered if she knew anything about it.  The psychic stared at me for several seconds, and then leaned back in her chair, her eyes wide and filling with tears. She placed her hand on the table and outlined a large "M" and said, "Your cousin is Maureen." I almost fell off my seat.  The things she went on to tell me astounded and baffled me.  A psychic appears in one chapter of The Stone of Sadness and 90% of what this person tells Olivia is what the psychic said to me on the day I visited her two years ago.  And like Olivia, I just don't know what to make of it.

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